Training for Producer Price Survey Officers - HP/HPT - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Langkat Regency

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Training for Producer Price Survey Officers - HP/HPT

Training for Producer Price Survey Officers - HP/HPT

January 15, 2024 | BPS Activities

Hi Data Friends
BPS Langkat Regency held Training for Producer Price Survey Officers - HP/HPT on Monday 15 January 2024. This training was officially opened by the Head of BPS Langkat Regency, Mrs. Ir. Tuti Hidayati M.Sc.
Prices of goods and services influence the economy of a region. The formation of prices for goods and services starts from the producer level.
BPS collects producer price data to obtain complete and continuous producer price data for calculating the Producer Price Index (PPI).
PPI is an economic indicator that can be used as a basis for policy formulation by the government.
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