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PSS National Unity and Political Agency (Badan Kesbangpol)

PSS National Unity and Political Agency (Badan Kesbangpol)

PSS National Unity and Political Agency (Badan Kesbangpol)

February 27, 2024 | BPS Activities

Hello Data Friends,
Thursday, February 22 2024, BPS Langkat Regency provided guidance on sectoral statistics at the Langkat Regency National Unity and Political Agency (Badan Kesbangpol).
The coaching material provided is related to the implementation of sectoral statistics within the framework of One Indonesian Data. In this case, the Kesbangpol Agency acts as a data producer and can carry out sectoral statistical activities in the form of administrative compilation products and/or surveys.
Taking place in the Wasnas Meeting Room, the event was attended by the secretary and representatives of the head of the Langkat Regency Kesbangpol Agency. In her speech, the secretary, Puan Meirina Matondang SS, M.Si, conveyed that the Langkat Regency Kesbangpol Agency could carry out sectoral statistical activities well in accordance with the coaching material.
The event was also attended by representatives of the Indonesian Data Administrator, Langkat Regency Communication and Information Service (Diskominfo), namely Mr. Hadi Hariyono, ST and Mrs. Leli Irawati, SE.
The BPS PSS Team tasked with providing guidance at the Health Service are: Coordinator (Mrs. Leni Marlina Sigiro, S.Si), Speakers (Mr. Wesley N. Tambunan, S.Si, M.Si and Mrs. Angdesy Meilynda Nababan, S.Mn) , and members (Mrs. Yusni Puspa Sari, SST, Mr. Abdul Rahman Efendi, A.Md., and Mr. Suherman).
#Be Moral
Badan Pusat Statistik

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